I’ve owned a nice little house in the Poconos back in Pennsylvania since around 1998. It’s a 5 bedroom mother daughter layout house, a little under 2000 sq ft, tucked away on a 3/4 acre lot in Mt. Pocono. I had been renting the downstairs half of the house to an old couple that just sat around drinking all day collecting whatever they collected from whatever. I booted them after a bunch of late, light payments a few years ago. The house sat empty for years until I went there last year (2015) to grab a few things and pit stop on the way to Las Vegas. I was appalled at the disgusting mess my tenants left and knew I’d eventually have to deal with it. It has now been one year almost exactly and time to return, clear it out and try to liquidate the property. Continue reading Journey Back East March 2016 Part 1