Well, I guess soundcloud.com is what’s next. Yeah? OK. I’m on board. Sounds cool. I have sounds. Tons. Here you go:
I have many side projects besides what most people know of. Your average fan of Mortician is aware that I was in Malignancy for quite a while and even some know that I am KOM2 of Prosthetic Cunt (have I mentioned that ever? Well there it is.) Every once in a while I bug out and just write an entire album’s worth of material in a particular genre. Then I’d make a copy for my buddies Danny Nelson, Sam Inzerra and maybe Will Rahmer too if it’s something he’d be into. Then usually that’s it. That was the case with Primitive Brutality for years only Danny and Will had a copy of it and maybe a few random friends had dub tapes of a song or two. So what the fuck does it all mean… Continue reading GRIND.bot Attack!
9:08 PM EST It’s that time of year again. November 17th is the peak of the annual Leonid meteor shower. This one is always good and for 2012 we’ve got dark skies. This year I’m still in Highland, NY, right across the Hudson river from Poukeepsie, so I’ll have a bit of light pollution. You can see the weird stuff in the skies post from a week ago or so to see what kind of night light I deal with. I’ll try to get a few pics tonight using the Panasonic GH2 of course and I’ll use the 20mm 2.5 pancake lens at about 40 seconds. I will update this post as the night goes on. Continue reading The Leonids!
Well it’s been down since I moved servers and haven’t had the time to get to the upgrade of the ProstheticCunt.com site. I still don’t have any time but I figured I’d at least get something up for now using DNN 6.2. Of course I know that DNN 7 came out yesterday so not sure how much CSS, skin editing, etc. I will have to do again. I hear many things are changing on the skin. I have a test site up but have not had time to really look at it. It was either get PxCx up or check out DNN 7 close up. I chose PxCx. I miss them.
After a few month break in the “web” action, MorticianRecords.com, Malignancy.com and PrimitiveRecordings.com are up and running again. All three sites are running on the latest of everything as of today. Mortician and Malignancy are now part of TheMetalScene.com but I still have to complete the integration. More on that later. For now… dig! and buy something!
Growing up in the 70’s was probably the coolest time a person could grow up. My generation saw the beginning of all things that are cool. We are the last generation to truly be amazed by and appreciate technology. Kids today (do I sound old yet) take tech for granted. Nothing seems to amaze them anymore. A relatively inexpensive cell phone in your pocket that you can play games against kids half way around the world? Of course, anything less is stupid and old. Nothing amazing there just the standard these days. I can just barely remember the first time I saw a computer generated pixel fly across the screen and hit a user controlled line and bounce off. Holy shit, amazing. Before that it was pinball and more physical machine games. Everything starts somewhere and this article is about the first video game console for the home that could be hooked up to a TV…The Magnavox Odyssey! Continue reading The First Video Game Console