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I listened to a lot of songs today… for once!

So, I sometimes neglect music. I’m either busy, locked into some weird Joe Rogan podcast marathon, stuck in an X-Files vortex (have you seen the new HD versions of the originals? Oh man!!!), or worse in the car but have to pay attention to the GPS or something. Today… today I played the most random collection of tunes and quenched some music thirst that I’ve been depriving myself of for a couple weeks (in Roger terms that might be a month or two)…  Continue reading I listened to a lot of songs today… for once!

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Building a portable multi-cam 16-track audio/video live recording rig Part 2

Continuing right along with my portable A/V recording rig quest, I have gotten over my imported mini-cam fetish and just bit the financial bullet and am going with much higher quality DSLRs for the whole rig. Also I’m thinking about some redesigns for the box. I’m planning on investing in a CNC machine for another venture but I don’t think the time is there for me to order it, build it, learn it, and produce any quality work in time to cut up the box with it before the Las Vegas Deathfest so no fancy routing for the moment. Decisions, decisions… budgets, budgets… going way over budget… you get the idea. Come on, let’s go have fun and figure it out.  Continue reading Building a portable multi-cam 16-track audio/video live recording rig Part 2

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Building a portable multi-cam 16-track audio/video live recording rig Part 1

I’ve been acquiring a bunch of audio video gear over the years… actually I buy very little and research the hell out of things and subsequently sit on the fence after I’ve got it down to two choices or worse I narrow it down to one but the price isn’t like what I saw it for on that sale I missed. You get the idea. It didn’t really hit me how bad I am with this purchasing procrastination until I saw my behavior mocked by a couple of puppets on some tech dude’s YouTube channel. I felt it was time for a reevaluation of self and perhaps time to finish building out that live rig I’ve not only dreamed of building but that I actually need for a couple of events coming up including the Las Vegas Deathfest and young Rhaina’s live performance at the D with the School of Rock kids.  Continue reading Building a portable multi-cam 16-track audio/video live recording rig Part 1

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Mortician imagery ripped off again but with a twist this time…

This. This is what it all comes down to. You work hard in a rewardless scene for decades making little to no money, bootlegged to no end, copied and poorly replicated by many for it to come down to this. I can handle all of that. It’s the nature of “influence” in the music scene, we play what we like and listen to. But THIS is friggin’ horseshit. Fashion company Avalone premiered their new  Fall/Winter Collection of Dark sportswear inspired by ’90s death metal bands. Anyone notice any similarities here? Pricks…  Continue reading Mortician imagery ripped off again but with a twist this time…

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Dee Snider and the School of Rock

So I met Dee Snider today. Totally down to earth nice guy. My girl’s daughter goes to the School of Rock here in Las Vegas and Dee’s doing a song with a few of the students at Vegas View Recording in Henderson for his upcoming solo record. She got to record on a track doing backups with Dee and it was produced by Grammy and Oscar award winning producer/musician Damon Ranger. Both guys were gentlemen, a bunch of fun, and did just great with the kids.  Continue reading Dee Snider and the School of Rock

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One Man Metal Band: Part 2 • Importing the Drums Into Cubase and Setting Up Guitars

This article is part of the “One Man Metal Band” series


Now that we have our drum beat exported to .wav file (See Part 1) it’s time to get it into Cubase. First we’re going to setup Cubase with the inputs and tracks we need for everything. When it comes to inputs this will be a little different for everyone based on what you are using. As I mentioned in Part 1 I’m using a Tascam US-800 which has 6 XLR -1/4″ combo inputs and phantom powerContinue reading One Man Metal Band: Part 2 • Importing the Drums Into Cubase and Setting Up Guitars

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One Man Metal Band: Part 1 • Build a Death Metal Drum Kit Free with LMMS

This article is part of the “One Man Metal Band” series

Hello weirdos, in this series I’m going to show you how to create a one man metal band. I’ll show you what software to get started with for drums and recording, building virtual drum sets the easy way, how to lay down tracks, and how to mix down and output for CD and the internet. Now this is not meant to be any kind of “this is the way you should do it” kind of tutorial, this will be more of a “this is the easiest, cheapest way to get started for beginners” kind of tutorial. I’m going to assume some basics like that you have a guitar, bass and microphone already and are at a minimum capable of structuring songs and playing at an intermediate level. Specifics in these areas are outside of the scope of this series. So, without anymore bullshit… let’s get started. Continue reading One Man Metal Band: Part 1 • Build a Death Metal Drum Kit Free with LMMS