This site is on it’s way back! I’ve moved to the great state of Nevada to the little old town of Las Vegas in early 2015. Many adventures ensued along the way. I am minus a van (blown engine), plus 2 cats (don’t ask), plus one van so I’m still “up”. Yes, I’m settling right into this town 😉 Continue reading There’s an old sheriff in town…
Network – I’m As Mad As Hell and I’m Not Going to Take This Anymore

“I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” Everyone know’s the quote but how many of you have actually watched Network? How many of you actually knew what that was from? Well I hope you have seen it or at least I can convince you to give it a shot. Continue reading Network – I’m As Mad As Hell and I’m Not Going to Take This Anymore
Dredd is the best reboot in a long time

I just re-watched Dredd (hadn’t seen it since it came out) and I just had to mention it here.

I’ve always been a fan of the original “Dredd” movie in the way I’m a fan of the movie Commando. I know it’s silly, over the top, and insults my intelligence story wise, but it’s fun. The reboot “Dredd” staring Karl Urban (Star Trek, Priest, The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King) and Olivia Thirlby (The Secret, United 93) is in a few words “fucking totally awesome”. The film takes itself much more seriously and is geared much more for adults than Stallone’s. Although I can’t argue with Armand Assante’s accent, this new version smashes the old one. Continue reading Dredd is the best reboot in a long time
Humans Conspiring with Electric Space Fish

Alright this is weird shit. A picture has been floating around the intertubes that is a direct link to a NASA photograph from the Apollo 8 mission. Here’s the link and a local small version: Continue reading Humans Conspiring with Electric Space Fish
Perseid meteor shower 2013!

Every year the Perseid meteor shower is one of the best. I’ve been either away from a good area or had clouds the last few times cosmic shows were “on”, so I am very pleased to say that tonight is totally clear and the moon has already set. Dark skies and no clouds makes a happy Roger. Continue reading Perseid meteor shower 2013!
One Man Metal Band: Part 2 • Importing the Drums Into Cubase and Setting Up Guitars

This article is part of the “One Man Metal Band” series
Now that we have our drum beat exported to .wav file (See Part 1) it’s time to get it into Cubase. First we’re going to setup Cubase with the inputs and tracks we need for everything. When it comes to inputs this will be a little different for everyone based on what you are using. As I mentioned in Part 1 I’m using a Tascam US-800 which has 6 XLR -1/4″ combo inputs and phantom power. Continue reading One Man Metal Band: Part 2 • Importing the Drums Into Cubase and Setting Up Guitars
One Man Metal Band: Part 1 • Build a Death Metal Drum Kit Free with LMMS

This article is part of the “One Man Metal Band” series
Hello weirdos, in this series I’m going to show you how to create a one man metal band. I’ll show you what software to get started with for drums and recording, building virtual drum sets the easy way, how to lay down tracks, and how to mix down and output for CD and the internet. Now this is not meant to be any kind of “this is the way you should do it” kind of tutorial, this will be more of a “this is the easiest, cheapest way to get started for beginners” kind of tutorial. I’m going to assume some basics like that you have a guitar, bass and microphone already and are at a minimum capable of structuring songs and playing at an intermediate level. Specifics in these areas are outside of the scope of this series. So, without anymore bullshit… let’s get started. Continue reading One Man Metal Band: Part 1 • Build a Death Metal Drum Kit Free with LMMS
Setting up an external hard drive from Windows as an Xbox 360 media drive to play movies and music

So I wanted to use an old 1TB external hard drive as a media drive for my Xbox 360 to play movies. Simple right. Just hook up the drive to windows, copy the files, plug it into the Xbox and go right? Wrong. I can bore you with a ton of details why it’s not that simple but screw that, let’s just get this working right? Continue reading Setting up an external hard drive from Windows as an Xbox 360 media drive to play movies and music